Fastlandet 2:90

On the property Fastlandet 2:90, the area where Franzénhallen and a large gravel field are located, a new residential area is planned. In total, up to 130 homes are planned, some of them terraced houses and the rest apartment buildings.

skiss av ett nytt bostadsområde med fem flerfamiljshus och en radhuslänga.

The project

flygfoto med ett område markerat med grönt

The property owner SBB plan to make a residential development in the area where Franzénhallen, the parking lots above the hall and the gravel field below are located. Early sketches show five apartment buildings and a row of terraced houses. In total, up to 130 homes can be created depending on how the developer chooses to build the houses.

The planning work also includes parts of Murbergsvägen and Sehlstedtsvägen and the work includes plans to extend the pedestrian and cycle paths along Murbergsvägen in accordance with the municipality's pedestrian and bicycle program.

The area

en entré med blombuketter på var sida om dörren. Ovanför porten står det Länsmuseum.

Västernorrlands museum

ett tåg som står vid en perrong där människor står

Härnösand Central

The area is centrally located within walking distance of Härnösand Central, the Ankaret shopping center and Västernorrland Museum. The area also has a secondary school, an elementary school for grades 3-6 and several preschools.

A new sports hall is being built on the adjacent property, which in addition to the hall also provides several opportunities for spontaneous outdoor activities, such as a small artificial grass pitch, outdoor gym and an open wall for art.

Read more about the new sports hall

May 2024

A proposal for a new detailed plan is sent out for consultation.

April 2022

The community committee grants planning permission and the work of producing a new detailed plan begins.