3 creative women

Härnösand is home to many creative women. We asked Marika Gaulitz, Mimi Högli and Mathilda Lindgren where they get their creativity from and what drives them in their business?

en kvinna står lutad vid en bänk med brickor med chokladpraliner

Marika Gaulitz.

Marika Gaulitz, Gånsviks Choklad

Where does your creativity come from?

- I think it's innate actually. I've always been into creative things, especially a lot of theater when I was younger. I wanted to be an actor and somehow I get that creative force out today too, in my chocolates and in my ice cream.

What drives you in your business?

- Making people happy. And I feel like I'm succeeding in that, that my products are appreciated.

What is it like to run a business in Härnösand?

- It's fantastic, one of my success factors. Firstly, we have a great business culture where we entrepreneurs support each other and collaborate a lot. Then, the municipality has quick ways in and it's easy to get hold of the right people. Last but not least, the people of Härnösand are almost unhealthily patriotic, and I say that with love. They have enormous pride in their municipality.

Read more about Gånsviks Choklad
en kvinna med en kaffekopp sitter i en soffa

Mimi Höglin.

Mimi Höglin, entrepreneur in beauty products, social media and more

Where does your creativity come from?

- That was a big and difficult question. I don't really know, the ideas just come to me. Of course, I'm influenced by everything around me, but mostly it just kicks in my head.

What drives you in your business?

- The process! Creating something from zero to a final product. I am driven by moving forward and solving the problems that may arise along the way.

What is it like to run a business in Härnösand?

- It's great fun. I haven't needed much help, but if I should need it, it feels easy. There are short distances and a family atmosphere, a mentality that I like. It also feels like everyone cares about each other and that we entrepreneurs are appreciated, whether we are big or small.

Read more about Ma Mane, one of Mimi Höglins companies

"I want to contribute to a better world. For example, by bringing people together and making them play. To simply create joy"

Mathilda Lindgren

porträtt på en kvinna

Mathilda Lindgren. Photo: Daniel Larsson.

Mathilda Lindgren, musician, DJ, event planner, conference organizer, speaker and much more.

Where does your creativity come from?

- Creativity is something that everyone has within them, I think. It is part of our spark of life. It can be expressed in so many ways and we just have to dare to let it out. I grew up with creative parents who have always encouraged me and I have moved in contexts that have inspired me, so for me it has felt easy to develop creativity.

What drives you in your business?

- I want to contribute to a better world. For example, by bringing people together and making them play. Simply to create joy.

What is it like to run a business in Härnösand?

- It is fun! It's a creative and enterprising city that inspires me and where there is a great openness to new things and to helping each other. I organized the Finn Festival on the square earlier this autumn and it was a lot of work, but I got a lot of help from all sorts of places.

Read more about startina a business

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