The large, green building at Volontären may become a sheltered housing facility with apartments for the elderly. Härnösand municipality and Statens Bostadsomvandling AB (SBO) will jointly conduct a feasibility study to see if the project is reasonable to implement.

The project
In the fall of 2022, the municipality of Härnösand bought the green house and two other buildings in the same area with the idea of developing housing, preferably for the elderly. The house at Volontären is in need of major renovation but also has great cultural and historical value.
Statens Bostadsomvandling AB (SBO) is a state-owned company whose task is to strengthen the municipalities' housing supply, especially for the elderly. It does this by acquiring properties for a symbolic sum and then making the necessary investment. The municipality in turn commits to renting the converted property and providing rental and management services for a number of years. Eventually, the property is sold on the open market.
Now, SBO and the municipality are working together on a feasibility study to analyze the project and come up with a joint plan for redevelopment.
The area

Volontären is located in a popular residential area in Brännan, close to the Högslätten leisure center, two nursing homes, several preschools and the Brännaskolan primary school. At Högslätten there are opportunities to practice several sports or exercise on your own.
February 2024
Härnösand municipality and Statens Bostadsomvandling AB decide to jointly conduct a feasibility study to see if it is a reasonable project to rebuild Volontären into a sheltered housing for the elderly.
Contact us
Göran Albertsson
Vd Härnösandshus
070-243 01 05