Saltvik 1:37
Härnösand municipality has purchased 56 hectares of forest land in Saltvik, which will be planned for both an industrial area and housing. Approximately 20 hectares closest to the E4 is intended to become an industrial area, while 8 hectares can be used for housing near the sea next to Älandsfjärden.

The project
Härnösand needs to prepare the municipality for growth, both in terms of establishments and housing. Finished plans are needed for both industrial areas and housing, and the ares has the potential for both.
The area is 56 hectares, which is provisionally planned to be used like this:
- About 20 hectares closest to the E4 is planned as an industrial area.
- About 8 hectares closest to the water are planned for housing near the sea.
- The remaining 28 hectares will remain as forest land.
The area
The area today consists mainly of woodland. The upper part is right next to the E4 and is therefore ideal as an industrial area. Many different companies are located throughout Saltvikshöjden, and on the other side of the E4 Riksarkivet are building the largest archive in northern Europe.
Down by the water there are some holiday homes. There is also a disused railway embankment along the shore, which is planned to be converted into a cycle path between central Härnösand and Älandsbro.
February 2024
The municipality buys 56 hectares of forest land to be planned for both an industrial area and seaside housing.
Contact us
For more information on the project, please contact:
Uno Jonsson, +46-70 648 25 11,