
Birdwatching has become increasingly popular as it can be done from the kitchen window as well as on adventures in the nature of Ångermanland. The birds here are beautiful and many have a nice sound, so bring a bird book and binoculars and go out and watch birds.

en fågel sitter på en pollare


Next to Speckstaberget and Speckstagrottan on the way out to Smitingen is Speckstatjärn, which is one of Härnösand's most accessible birdwatching sites. At the pond there is a bird tower that you can climb up and look out over the bird life that lives here. Species such as gulls, woodpeckers and warblers are found here. If you visit the pond late at night or early in the morning, you may see a beaver or two.


Near the lighthouse, next to the nature reserve, there are many good places for birdwatching, especially for seeing bird migration in the fall. The first waders start to migrate in mid-July, and ducks are best seen in September and October.


Notsand is a popular place for bird watching. Go out to Notsand, and continue along the beach and you will come to the lighthouse Härnö Södra. Out on the headland there are good places to look for waders stretching out, from mid-July. There are also ducks and geese here, but only in September-October. This birdwatching spot is very weather dependent as it can be quite windy out here, and is mainly a bird migration in the fall.

en fågel som simmar i vattnet


Below Grofällsberget, which is an old spring mountain and southern growth mountain, is a good place for birdwatching. Here you have the chance to see waders, ducks and migrating birds during spring and fall.


North of Härnösand, facing the sea, the golf course and Lustholmen, is Juviken. Here you can look for ducks and geese, but remember that a golf course is nearby.