New retirement home

Härnösand municipality is planning a new retirement home on the mainland. The new home will meet the increased need for places in retirement homes and also replace existing places in other homes that are to be closed.

kartskiss med en stor byggnad inritad i en skog

The project

The municipality of Härnösand needs new special housing for people with dementia. The number of elderly people is increasing and we need to create apartments for more people. The new accommodation will also replace places in existing homes that are being phased out.

en vuxen leker med två barn på en förskola
tre glada barn

The area

The retirement home is planned in a wooded area by Jensenvägen with a quiet and peaceful location and nature close by.

March 2024

The Planning and Development Council, PEX Council, takes an orientation decision to work further on building a preschool in an area at Sockenvägen - Bergsstigen.


For more information:

Uno Jonsson
+46-70 648 25 11