The sea in the city

In Härnösand, the sea cuts straight through the city center. Here you can travel by boat from the southern to the northern strait and experience the city from the water. Or vice versa - stroll along the quays and experience the water from the city.

flygbild över en stad med ett kyrktorn i förgrunden

If you stay on land, there is plenty to see. Large parts of Härnösand's city center were built just over a hundred years ago, when Härnösand was the center of trade and shipping during the great sawmill era. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, our region was actually Sweden's most expansive, with people moving in from both abroad and the rest of Sweden.

Shipowners, wholesalers and others did well, and large, stately buildings were built in the spirit of the times. There is a city feeling here that is rarely found in cities of the same size.

"This town is quite small, but it thinks it's big"

A 12-year-old visitor sits on the Sundsvall steps with an ice cream and looks at the city.

Take a walk

Take a walk in the city center along Nybrogatan, Storgatan and the square. Or join a city walk.

But remember - look up! It's not the sidewalks we're proud of in Härnösand.

Here are some of our exciting buildings:

The residence

The governor's residence on the square was completed in 1790, designed by Olof Tempelman and Carl Fredrik Adelcrantz.

en stor vit byggnad vid vattnet
smal gata med låga trähus


A preserved old neighborhood in the middle of the city. Read more about Östanbäcken.

Town Hall

Storgatan 30. Built as one of Norrland's first educational institutions in 1786-91. Designed by Olof Tempelman and Carl Fredrik Adelcrantz.

stor byggnad med en pelar-rotunda.
stor tegelbyggnad med ett torn

The Tobacco Factory

Fiskaregatan. The Tobacco Factory was built in stages from 1906 to 1914 to designs by Torben Grut, who also designed the Stockholm Stadium. Today Tobaks is an office hotel with many different companies.


At the City Park. Designed by Hans Tirsén and opened in 2000.

stor byggnad med glaspartier

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